Donate to Equal Right
We rely on your generous donations to keep our work moving. Every penny we receive is used to further our work for a fairer, more equal world. As a small, not-for-profit organisation, every donation is extremely valuable and very gratefully received.
Please click the button above to give a one-off or monthly donation using your debit or credit card or via Paypal.
Donate by standing order
Please email us at if you'd like to set up a standing order.
Donate by cheque
Please make cheques out to Equal Right Ltd and post to 2 Boiling Wells Lane, Bristol, BS2 9XY.
Please note that we reserve the right to verify all donations of any amount in line with our donor policy, and to ensure compliance with relevant regulatory and legal requirements, including counter-terrorism financing (CTF) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.
Volunteering and academic partnerships
We are seeking volunteers for the roles below. Please contact us using the form below or email for more information.
Board of Directors: Join our leadership board to support the running of the organisation
Campaigns and operations support: Support our team with admin, comms, outreach and more to maximise the impact of our campaigns.
Video-making: Produce video content for us as required.
Network-builder: Find events, podcasts, media outlets, blogs and other spaces and provide content on behalf of Equal Right.
Social media promoter: Share our content, and develop conversations about Equal Right on various social media platforms.
We hope to support the development of an academic research agenda on cap and share for climate justice, international taxation, dividends from the commons, and global basic income. If you are an academic or PhD candidate and would like to contribute to this, please contact us to discuss.
Sign up for our newsletter
Sign up for our quarterly newsletter via the form below.