Fashion Commons: A Cap-and-Share Model to Tackle the Fashion Industry’s Overproduction Crisis
Read our Cap and Share Policy Competition winner, Clara Tomé’s proposal: Fashion Commons.
LA Wildfires Show Us Why We Need a UBI for Climate Justice
Read our Executive Director Patrick’s op-ed on how the LA Wildfires show us why we need a UBI for climate justice. First featured on Global Center for Climate Justice.
Palau Makes History with Cap and Share Pledge: A Bold Step Forward for Climate Justice
Palau has become the first country to sign Equal Right’s Cap and Share Pledge. Read our Director for Asia Pacific, Zainab’s reflections on this big moment.
Just Transition and Human Rights - Equal Right’s Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
Read our input into a report by the United Nations Human Rights Office on a Just Transition and Human Rights. The submission outlines how a Basic Income can support a just transition and help realise human rights for all, and details how we can pay for it through a policy like Cap and Share.
COP29 Was a Missed Opportunity: Rethinking Our Path to a Just and Sustainable Future
Read Director for LATAM Carlos’ Op-Ed on the aftermath of COP29 and the opportunity to move towards global solidarity mechanisms ahead of COP30. Originally published in Common Dreams.
How a Global Universal Income Could Help Poverty & the Planet
Read our Executive Director’s Op-Ed on how a global universal income could help extreme poverty. Originally published in Geographical.
Reimagining Conservation Post-Cop16: The Case for a Universal Basic Income
Read Director for LATAM Carlos’ Op-Ed on the need for inclusive conservation strategies in Latin America, and how a UBI could be the answer. Originally published in Common Dreams.
Cap and Share: A Pathway to Just Transition
Read our Regional Campaign Manager, Malama Mwila’s blog on Cap and Share. Originally published on the European Environmental Bureau’s blog.
A Sustainable Global Universal Basic Income Can Be Done. Here Is How.
Read our Campaigns and Operations Director Patrick Brown’s Op-Ed, originally published in Al Jazeera.
Equal Right at the Summit of the Future
Our Asia Pacific Campaign Manager Zainab Bie was at the Summit of the Future in New York this September. Read about her experience and how she put Cap and Share on the agenda!
Club of Rome and Equal Right
Equal Right's executive director Laura Bannister, and our international advisory board member Sarath Davala, Chair of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) have co-authored the Club of Rome's new Deep Dive paper titled, 'Unconditional cash transfers and the five turnarounds: beneficiaries' perspective'.
How to raise $1 trillion for climate loss and damage funding
This September, in Derna, Libya, a wall of water taller than the palm trees ripped through the city at more than 120 kilometers per hour. More than 4,000 people died and a further 8,000 are still missing. Many survivors are crammed into...