A new proposal for climate justice: International carbon charge and dividend

World Basic Income has today published a new paper outlining proposals for an international carbon charge scheme, that would:

  • Cap overall carbon extraction, and reduce the cap briskly towards zero, thereby directly addressing the climate emergency.

  • Require all fossil fuel extractors to buy permits for every tonne or litre of fuel they extract.

  • Provide real climate justice, by placing the money raised in a global Sovereign Wealth Fund (which would be invested in people-owned renewable energy infrastructure) and distributing the investment income from that fund as cash dividends to every adult and child worldwide.

The paper is available here, and will be presented at our upcoming webinar on 30th July for which you can register here.


A dollar a day in Malawi: Our new UBI partnership project


Paper on "Just Transition" submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty