Climate Justice

Our atmosphere is global. CO2 pollution, most of which takes place in the Global North, has severe impacts in the Global South. Climate justice, a concept developed within Black and Indigenous climate movements, demands action that acknowledges this imbalance and provides redress to the Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA).

Equal Right is working with partners around the world to co-create a potential solution - Cap and Share.

Global Basic Income

Global basic income is a proposal that calls for every adult and child in the world to receive an unconditional monthly cash payment to cover their basic needs, as a fundamental human right.

It proposes that national UBIs be underpinned by a global UBI. Transforming basic income into a global justice tool, which could address global inequality and end extreme poverty for people everywhere.

Tax Justice

Tax is a mechanism for direct redistribution. Tax justice is therefore vital in the fight to secure our human rights and create a more equal society. 

The redistributive benefits of tax currently stop at the border. This leaves global inequalities untouched, and does nothing to rectify the injustices and imbalances that have accrued over the past few centuries. Equal Right is working with partners around the world to develop the new concept of international taxation.